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Edgewood Center For Children And Families is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization, and your donation is tax deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. Please keep your receipt as your official record. We'll email it to you upon successful completion of your donation.

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You are making a difference for our youth and families!

Now more than ever, Edgewood needs your support! Please consider making a donation today to support the critical mental health and human service needs of our children, youth and families. Thanks for your support!

Crisis Stabilization Unit

Evaluates and triages children and youth, between the ages of 5 and 18, who are experiencing acute psychiatric symptoms or mental health crises

Intensive Outpatient Program

An after-school program that provides therapeutic treatments for behavioral and emotional issues. It helps youth to embrace proven strategies for effectively managing stress

Transitional Age Youth

Offers groups, activities, and educational support to young people in the San Mateo region who are struggling with their mental health